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Saturday, February 26, 2011

I was watching "Flip this House," in fact I watched an hour and a half's worth. Something that was readily apparent was this: Pretty much half the skilled labor was Hispanic. No matter where in the country they were, It was pretty much the same.

The scenario was this: More well to do, (or job secure folks) are being told that real estate is a great investment and they need to get in on it while home prices are really low. Realtors, lenders and opportunists drive the bus. "Here's a chance to make money in a down market," is what your told. That may be true, but if you don't pay attention, if your not smart, you may lose it too. And who is helping to drive this market w/ a supply of reasonably priced labor? Hispanics. What would speculators and lenders do with out these guys. They are helping the middle class (what's left of it that still has cash ore credit) to buy in a distressed market and get labor (skilled and other wise) So... immigrants supply the labor, lenders supply cash, the remnants of the middle class who can afford it are investing in low priced homes already churned once before. It's sooooo American, It's about market forces, cheap labor and opportunism. If you've been blind to that, then your blind to the forces that run this country... I suggest you get over it (the immigration thing) and start doing what they are doing. Get yer buds together, start a business. Make your opportunities. Find a niche and work it.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The truth IS out there!

I was reading a post online a few night ago regarding the "Huffington Post." Apparently it has become a power house in "must read," online blogs. There was how ever a problem.
It seems that one individual had issue with the HP and the fact that it has become the home for many "New Age," pundits. Much of what they discuss is based on spiritual practices up by pseudo sciences with newly minted fanciful names.
The HP has been accused of having no voice of it's own, so to speak. Well, maybe that's what this is about. People expect it to be a "news," type organization, when its really just a big fancy blog.
Some day there will be groups that actually report news on line. In fact there are now, but they tend to be local groups. For now validation is the tough thing. How will you validate what a person writes and what the character of the individual is? I think it may actually be easier than we think. It will be fun to see how this all works out. We need other ways to get information... So keep blogging!