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Saturday, August 29, 2009

The game is afoot!

Reading about scientific advances on the arxiv blog and the MIT home page. wow, I'm amazed and excited about advances in quantum computing, bio-genetic medicine and a growing understanding of the strangeness of the universe. If ever anyone were to say that anything is possible, I'd be hard pressed to argue about it.

Religion is another interesting area. More and more were beginning to understand that religion is a structure that has evolved over the age to serve the needs of an evolving human population, complete with it's strengths, weakness's and foibles. Perhaps a vestige of times past when survival was paramount and even then it adapted to changing needs, war times, peace times.

That brings me to our current state of affairs. We have perhaps taken the wrong path and tack in this country by playing follow the leader. Primarily as those in power have used abject fear to control the minds and hearts of people who now have trouble thinking their way out of what used to be considered common sense issues and problems. In times past many used the mixture of emotions, compassion, empathy and intellect to find a blend of ideas and solutions to the problems that plagued them. In particular many indigenous societies. (Incidentally, ask someone who knows where the constitution of this country comes from.) Most indigenous people had worked out long ago how to live in relative peace and harmony.

but I digress. Technology and research may help us to pull our heads out of our collective asses. as, and if we learn more about the truth of our shared, (and it is shared) reality we may begin to understand that we are not only linked to one another, but to the universe and the forces that permeate it.

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